Contact us!

WARNING: This is a demo of a website for a fictitious medical practice. It was created for illustration purposes only, to demonstrate options for a website design and possible approaches

In order to comply with HIPAA requirements and to properly safeguard your personal information, we recommend that you sign up for a free Virtru e-mail message protection service to be able to send us secure e-mails as well as for a free Qliq secure texting service and/or a free Google Hangouts chat messaging to be able to send us secure messages

Your doctors and health care providers can securely share with us their notes and records about your health and treatment. They can email using Virtru or send messages using Qliq or Hangouts to us at

Please note that we do NOT recommend sending confidential information to us in an unprotected (non-encrypted) e-mail because third parties may be able to access its content

Virtru Email Protection

A free Virtru app is available for your computer, as well as for your smartphone or mobile device (iOS orAndroid)

For more info about Virtru, please see a short video

Qliq Secure Texting

A free Qliq app is available for your computer, as well as for your smartphone or mobile device (iOS or Android)

See instructions how to register and connect with our office. For more info about Qliq Secure Texting, please see a short video

Google Hangouts

A free Hangouts app is available for your computer, as well as for your smartphone or mobile device (iOS orAndroid)

See instructions how to register and connect with our office. For more info about Google Hangouts Chat Messaging please click here

For more info about the patient apps, please call our office or contact our IT support team at

Contact us

123 Main Street, City, State, USA

860-470-4400 Phone

860-430-4574 Fax

Instant Feedback

We would love to hear your thoughts and comments about your experience with our office, about our processes, website capabilities, billing/invoicing, appointments or any other aspect

Please send us a text message at 860-470-4747 or send us email at, if you’d like to share what you really like or what you’d like to see changed or improved

All comments are welcome, however please do NOT include any medical or personal health information in your messages

Your input is very important for us and we will carefully review each of your comments

Our Guarantee

We will never contact you, sell, or use your contact information for marketing purposes, unless authorized by you in writing