
WARNING: This is a demo of a website for a fictitious medical practice. It was created for illustration purposes only, to demonstrate options for a website design and possible approaches

You can securely upload the health records that you would like to share with us, along with your orders and notes and we will take a great care of your patient!

See a quick video and additional instructions below

If you would like to upload multiple files, once you get a confirmation that the file was successfully uploaded after pressing the 'Securely Upload' button, you can choose another file and click the 'Upload File' button again without having to re-enter the patient information. You can repeat that for each of your files as needed

Alternatively, you may consider combining them into one compressed file (e.g., a Zip file) prior to uploading

For instructions on how to do that on a Windows PC, click here

For instructions on how to do that on a Mac, click here

Share Your Notes and Patient Records in a Secure Texting App

A free Qliq app is available for your computer, as well as for your smartphone or mobile device (iOS or Android)

See instructions how to register and connect with our office